Discovering The Blue Majesty: The Benefits Of Neelam Gemstone – Ram Ram Ji- A Journey Towards Healing Yourself
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Discovering The Blue Majesty: The Benefits Of Neelam Gemstone

Discovering The Blue Majesty: The Benefits Of Neelam Gemstone

Blue sapphire, also known as Neelam in Hindi, is a precious gemstone that has been revered for centuries for its beauty and healing properties. This stunning blue gemstone is a variety of the mineral corundum, and is considered one of the most valuable and sought-after gemstones in the world.

Blue sapphire is believed to promote wisdom, clarity of thought, and spiritual enlightenment, and is also said to have a number of physical healing properties. In this article, we will delve into the history, properties, and uses of blue sapphire. Read on to discover all you need to know about this fascinating gemstone. Don't forget to read the full article to learn more.

History Behind The Blue Sapphire (Neelam)

The blue sapphire, also known as "Neelam" in Sanskrit, has a long and fascinating history. This precious gemstone is a type of corundum mineral and is prized for its deep blue color and durability. In ancient times, the blue sapphire was believed to have protective powers and was worn by kings, queens, and warriors to ward off harm and bring good fortune. It was also considered a symbol of wisdom, truth, and loyalty.

In Indian astrology, the blue sapphire is associated with the planet Saturn and is believed to bring strength, stability, and success to those who wear it. It is also said to alleviate the negative effects of Saturn's influence, such as obstacles and delays in one's life.

The blue sapphire has also played a prominent role in many famous historical events. One of the most famous examples is the Hope Diamond, which is a 45.52-carat blue diamond that is said to be cursed. The Hope Diamond was once owned by King Louis XIV of France and has been passed down through a series of owners, including several members of European royalty.

In more recent times, the blue sapphire has become a popular choice for engagement rings and other fine jewelry. Its rich blue color and durability make it a stunning and long-lasting choice for any piece of jewelry.

Overall, the blue sapphire has a rich and fascinating history that has made it a treasured gemstone for centuries. Whether worn for its protective powers, astrological significance, or beauty, the blue sapphire continues to captivate and inspire people around the world.

Properties of Blue Sapphire (Neelam)

  1. Color: - Blue sapphire is known for its deep blue color, which can range from a light blue to a dark, almost black, blue. The most valuable and prized shade is a vivid, medium blue with a slightly violet tint.
  2. Hardness: - Blue sapphire is a very hard gemstone, with a rating of 9 on the Mohs scale of hardness. This makes it one of the most durable gemstones, second only to diamonds.
  3. Clarity: - Like all gemstones, blue sapphire can have inclusions and blemishes. However, the highest quality blue sapphires are typically eye-clean, meaning they have no visible inclusions when viewed with the naked eye.
  4. Brilliance: - Blue sapphire has a high refractive index, which gives it excellent brilliance and sparkle.
  5. Rarity: - Natural, high-quality blue sapphires are relatively rare and can be quite expensive.
  6. Astrological Properties: - Blue sapphire is associated with the planet Saturn in Indian astrology and is believed to bring strength, stability, and success to those who wear it. It is also said to alleviate the negative effects of Saturn's influence, such as obstacles and delays in one's life.

Benefits of Wearing A Blue Sapphire (Neelam)

Blue sapphire, also known as "Neelam" in Sanskrit, is a precious gemstone that is believed to have a number of benefits when worn. Here are some of the most commonly cited benefits of wearing a blue sapphire:

  • Astrological Benefits: - In Indian astrology, blue sapphire is associated with the planet Saturn and is believed to bring strength, stability, and success to those who wear it. It is also said to alleviate the negative effects of Saturn's influence, such as obstacles and delays in one's life.
  • Improved Focus And Mental Clarity: - Blue sapphire is believed to have a calming effect on the mind, which can improve focus and mental clarity. It is also said to help reduce anxiety and promote inner peace.
  • Protection From Harm: - Blue sapphire is believed to have protective powers and is said to protect the wearer from harm, accidents, and negative energies.
  • Wealth And Prosperity: - Blue sapphire is also believed to bring wealth, prosperity, and good fortune to those who wear it. It is said to enhance financial stability and success in business.
  • Better Relationships: - Blue sapphire is believed to help improve relationships and promote loyalty and fidelity in romantic partnerships.

Who Should Wear Blue Sapphire (Neelam)?

Blue sapphire, also known as "Neelam" in Sanskrit, is a precious gemstone that is believed to have astrological benefits. However, not everyone is recommended to wear blue sapphire. Here are some guidelines on who should wear blue sapphire:

Those Who Have A Favorable Saturn Placement In Their Birth Chart

In Indian astrology, blue sapphire is associated with the planet Saturn. Therefore, those who have a favorable placement of Saturn in their birth chart can wear blue sapphire to enhance the positive effects of Saturn and alleviate its negative influences.

Those Who Are Going Through A Difficult Saturn Period

Saturn's influence can bring obstacles, delays, and hardships in one's life. If you are going through a difficult Saturn period, wearing a blue sapphire can help alleviate the negative effects and bring more stability and success.

Those Who Are In Professions Related to Law, Politics, And Business

Blue sapphire is believed to enhance financial stability and success in business. Therefore, those in these professions can wear blue sapphire to enhance their chances of success.

How to Buy a Blue Sapphire (Neelam)?

If you're considering buying a blue sapphire, also known as "Neelam" in Sanskrit, here are some tips to help you make an informed purchase:

  • Choose A Reputable Seller: - Look for a trusted seller who specializes in gemstones and has a good reputation. Avoid buying from street vendors or unverified online sellers.
  • Check For Authenticity: - Blue sapphires can be treated to enhance their color and clarity, so it's important to check for authenticity. Ask the seller for a certificate of authenticity from a reputable gemological laboratory.
  • Look For A Good Color: - Blue sapphires come in a range of shades, from light blue to dark blue. The most valuable and prized shade is a vivid, medium blue with a slightly violet tint.
  • Consider Clarity: - Blue sapphires can have inclusions and blemishes, but the highest quality stones are typically eye-clean, meaning they have no visible inclusions when viewed with the naked eye.
  • Check The Cut: - The cut of the stone can affect its overall beauty and brilliance. Look for a well-cut stone that maximizes its natural color and sparkle.
  • Consider Your Budget: - Blue sapphires can vary greatly in price depending on their quality, size, and origin. Set a budget before you start shopping and look for a stone that meets your criteria within your price range.
  • Ask Questions: - Don't be afraid to ask the seller questions about the stone's origin, treatment, and certification. A reputable seller should be happy to provide this information.

How To Wear a Blue Sapphire (Neelam)?

  1. Choose The Right Metal: - Blue sapphire is typically worn in a gold or silver ring or pendant. It's important to choose a metal that suits your skin tone and personal style.
  2. Wear It On The Right Hand: - Blue sapphire is traditionally worn on the middle finger of the right hand. However, some astrologers may recommend wearing it on a different finger or hand depending on your individual birth chart.
  3. Purify The Gemstone: - Before wearing your blue sapphire for the first time, it's important to purify it. You can do this by soaking it in a mixture of milk, honey, and water for 20-30 minutes, then rinsing it with clean water and patting it dry.
  4. Activate The Gemstone: - To activate the gemstone, you can perform a simple ritual by holding it in your hand, reciting a mantra or prayer, and visualizing your intention for wearing the stone.
  5. Wear It Regularly: - To experience the full benefits of wearing a blue sapphire, it's important to wear it regularly. Some astrologers may recommend wearing it continuously, while others may suggest wearing it only during certain times or for specific purposes.
  6. Take Care Of The Gemstone: - Blue sapphire is a durable gemstone, but it can still be damaged by harsh chemicals or physical impact. Avoid exposing it to chemicals, heat, or extreme temperatures, and remove it before engaging in activities that may damage it, such as sports or manual labor.

How To Care For and Maintain A Blue Sapphire (Neelam)?

  • Store It Properly: - When you are not wearing your blue sapphire, store it in a soft cloth or pouch to prevent it from being scratched or damaged.
  • Avoid Exposure To Harsh Chemicals: - Chemicals can damage the surface of your blue sapphire. To avoid this, remove your jewelry before using cleaning chemicals, such as bleach or ammonia.
  • Clean It Regularly: - Regular cleaning of your blue sapphire can help it maintain its shine and beauty. To clean it, use warm water and mild soap, and gently rub the surface with a soft-bristled brush. Rinse it thoroughly with clean water and dry it with a soft cloth.
  • Avoid Extreme Temperatures: - Exposure to extreme heat or cold can cause cracks or discoloration in your blue sapphire. Avoid exposing it to temperature extremes.
  • Remove It During Physical Activities: - Your blue sapphire can be damaged during physical activities, such as sports or manual labor. To avoid this, remove your jewelry before engaging in such activities.
  • Get It Checked By A Jeweler: - Get your blue sapphire checked by a reputable jeweler every few years to ensure that it is still securely set and is not damaged.

Frequently Asked Questions Related To Blue Sapphire (Neelam)?

What Is Blue Sapphire?

Blue sapphire is a precious gemstone that belongs to the corundum mineral family. It is known for its deep blue color and is often associated with astrological benefits.

What Are The Benefits Of Wearing Blue Sapphire?

Wearing blue sapphire is believed to bring financial stability, success in business, and relief from the negative effects of Saturn. It is also said to improve mental clarity, focus, and overall well-being.

Who Can Wear Blue Sapphire?

Blue sapphire is typically recommended for those who have a favorable Saturn placement in their birth chart or are going through a difficult Saturn period. It is also believed to be beneficial for those in professions related to law, politics, and business.

How Do I Choose A High-Quality Blue Sapphire?

When choosing a blue sapphire, look for a reputable seller who can provide a certificate of authenticity from a reputable gemological laboratory. Look for a vivid, medium blue color with good clarity and a well-cut shape that maximizes its natural beauty and sparkle.

How Should I Wear A Blue Sapphire?

Blue sapphire is traditionally worn on the middle finger of the right hand, but the exact finger and hand may vary depending on individual birth charts. It should be worn regularly and taken care of to ensure its longevity.

Can Blue Sapphire Be Harmful?

Blue sapphire can have negative effects if not worn properly or if it is of low quality. It's important to consult with a qualified astrologer before wearing blue sapphire and to purchase it from a reputable seller.

How Can I Take Care Of My Blue Sapphire?

To take care of your blue sapphire, avoid exposing it to harsh chemicals, extreme temperatures, or physical impact. Remove it before engaging in activities that may damage it, such as sports or manual labor. Clean it regularly with mild soap and water, and store it in a soft, protective pouch.